As I've explained before, I started Inspired Adventures as a way to do something for myself that I loved and I truly have loved every minute of it. So, I thought I would take some time to look back on the year behind us and also set some goals for the future of this little blog of mine.
So, as a way to reminisce here is a little list for ya. A list of the best and worst posts of year one on the blog. Because who doesn't love a little best/worst action? So, allow me to channel my inner-Joan, Kelly, Guiliana, and George as I give it to you straight.
Let's begin with the worst, shall we... (FYI - if you want to see the original post just click on the image).
1. This DIY project gone wrong...way wrong. I can't say this is the first time or the last time something like this will happen to me. Sadly, I have yet to do anything about this mess. The lamp is just lying around shadeless and sad. Certainly I can find a spot for it somewhere in the new house.

2. This post entitled..."Let the Countdown Commence". What a joke! I posted this on January 5th thinking our house was nearing the end and we didn't move in until the beginning of May. So, this post just annoys me when I see it so it has definitely made the worst list.
3. And, finally the worst of the worst would have to be my Winter Pinterest Challenge project. Do you remember these nails? What a hot mess! It would have been one thing to post this pitifullness for just my everyday readers but, no, I put this out there for all of the Young House Love readers to see. What was I thinking?
But, now, let's turn the page and look on the brighter side. There was a lot of good over the past year, too. So, here are my favorite posts, so far...
1, My very first post! This is where it all started so I had to include this one.

2. My floor cushion post made me proud so it is definitely on the best list. I have to admit I was pretty impressed with my sewing abilities. Before them, I had only done projects that involved sewing a straight line. Haha!

3. The next two go together so I will include them both here in one spot. They are Audrey and Will's birthday parties. They were fun to plan and fun to share and I love that I documented those special moments with my babies.
4. And, last but not least, this post called Dreams Do Come True is one of my absolute favorites. Maybe not so exciting for you but for us it meant that we finally had a new home to move into. How could that not make the list?
The good news is that there is definitely more good here than bad. It's been a great year!
Now, here are a few things that I have in mind for year two...
1. A makeover - be on the lookout for a new look very soon.
2. More decorating ideas - that's what I anticipated doing from the get go and never imagined it would have taken a year to get the house done.
3. More posts - I would love to increase my number of posts to three times a week. I think it is definitely doable over the summer. : )
4. Increase readership - I love writing my blog, regardless, but it makes it so much sweeter to know that I have an audience out there. I hope to gain a few more readers and I also hope to hear from you all more. If I haven't mentioned it before, seeing your comments literally makes my day every single time. So, keep them coming!
So, how about you? Anything that you are hoping to see as year two begins? Please do share! Also, feel free to weigh in on my best/worst list. What has been your favorite post, so far? As always, thank you for reading. If you're new here, I hope you stop back often. Take care!