When I shared our playroom last week, I was in speedblogging mode. Had somewhere to be and had just enough time to upload the pics, size them, and add a little text. So, today I thought I would go into more detail. Specifically, I want to share my thinking behind the room and explain how the kids' things are organized. So, if you're like me and love details and organization then this post is for you. If not, get ready for a little too much information...
Creating a playspace for a five and one-year-old has been a serious challenge. I mean a HUGE challenge! So many of Audrey's toys contain small pieces that Will just can't have. I have done my best to make it work for both of them but I know, in the end, the older sister is getting the short end of the stick. In a perfect world, her things would be more accessible but accessible to her often means accessible to little brother. Things that he definitely can't get into like tiny doll accessories, small legos, puzzles with small pieces, etc. are being housed in Audrey's bedroom.
From the beginning, I knew I wanted the space to have more of a classroom feel. I have limited the number of battery-operated toys that we have in here. Don't worry! We still have them but I've chosen to keep them in the kids' bedrooms and in the basement. There are definitely toys in here but I wanted playtime to also be learning time. For that reason, I included a lot of things that would promote creativity, pretend play, problem solving, reading, writing, etc. With that said, here is what we have going on and how I chose to organize everything. I shared some of these things in this post but I'm definitely going into a lot more detail here.
Let's start with the large black shelf. I wanted the top to look pretty so I styled it with some decorative pieces and a large picture of the kids. I just love a candid shot and this was one of my favorites from our photo shoot last fall. Aren't they sweet and don't they look so smitten with each other?!?
One side got a chalkboard vase with branches, a vintage mason jar, some books that I love (it's driving me crazy that they're crooked in this picture), and a yellow bowl from TJ Maxx.
The other side is sporting a lantern that I stole from our dining area and that I decided to fill with crayons. I want to add more and I'm pretty sure I have a bag of gently used ones at school. The patterned box contains random writing utensils and art supplies.
The two top rows (where Will can't reach) contain craft/art supplies, magnetic wooden dolls, pattern blocks, tea sets, and a picnic basket. I've talked to Audrey about asking for things when she wants them or using a stool to reach them. I also try to remind her often what is up there if she hasn't asked for something in awhile.
The bottom two rows contain Audrey's sewing box (plastic needles are up higher), picture books, board books, Audrey's sight word blocks, Will's puzzles, and stacking cups.
The white shelf in the room contains more of Will's things; however, Audrey plays with the musical instruments and the blocks and wooden stackers on top.
Also in the room, next to the shelf is a basket for Audrey to keep her letter and sight word books. I can see this being a place that I add different literacy activities throughout her year in Kindergarten.
And, in the center of the area rug is a basket of blocks that both kids love. I love walking in the room and seeing the structures that Audrey has built.
And, more than anything, I love seeing these two play together in their playroom.

Thanks for sticking around to get all of the details about our playroom. I am still planning to share how we DIYed all of the art in this room among other things. I've decided not to do a breakdown of where we got what (most of it is from Ikea) but if you're interested in a particular item let me know. Hope you enjoyed seeing our playroom up close and personal. What are, have been, or will be your must haves for a child's play area? I'm sure our playroom will change overtime as our kids grow and I would love to hear your insight. As always, thank you for following along.
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