Originally, we were supposed to be moving into our new home last week. I always said that I would believe it when it happened and, well, it's not happening. So, I've had to come to terms with that and that we will be celebrating another Christmas in our current home. I honestly can't complain because I know we are blessed and I've decided I just need to make the best of it.
When it comes to keeping this place organized and orderly I have gotten into this habit of saying things like, "We won't be here much longer." Or, "What's the point?" Our house was beginning to feel like a storage facility rather than a home. That was just not working for any of us. I have found that my mood is directly related to the condition that my home is in. If the place is a mess, I'm a mess! So, rather than just "existing" here for the next couple of months (or however long the house takes to be completed) I decided a little sprucing up was in order. Besides, we are all going to be spending more time at home over Christmas break and we will be having more company so why not spend it in a place that feels a little more homey and inviting.
I didn't take any "before" pictures but here is a list of concerns that I was having:
- Baby items had overtaken the playroom/office
- Audrey was out of storage room for toys, games, etc.
- Will didn't have a designated play space
- DIY art projects that I had completed were just setting on the floor propped against our bookshelves.
- Our office items and bookshelves had become cluttered and disorganized.
- I had no idea where we would put a Christmas tree!
So, for the past several weeks I have made it my goal to address these concerns and I must say I've made a good amount of progress. The first thing that I did was pack up unused clothing, office stuff, toys, and baby gear and took them to my in-laws' to store away or I donated things I knew we wouldn't use in the new place.
Then, one night around 11:00 PM I got this sudden urge to rearrange some furniture. I knew that I wouldn't be able to sleep thinking about it so I just went to work. Does that ever happen to you or am I just crazy? Here is the setup that I came up with in our playroom/office...
The larger bookshelf used to hold our office stuff and books but now, it mostly consists of Audrey's toys, some of her books, and just a few of my books on top. I'm in love with my little stack of home books that I have started collecting.
The smaller bookshelf became storage for files, craft supplies, and other miscellaneous stuff. I also borrowed a table from our living room for the little TV. I don't love having a TV in the playroom but it is nice, at times, for letting Audrey watch her videos.
To give you an idea of how cramped we are in this place, let me show you the other side of this room.
Yep, that is Will's changing table. Will and Audrey share a tiny bedroom that doesn't have a closet so this was the only place to put the changing table. To make it feel slightly tucked away, I added the curtains. Oh, and by the way, this is where we
usually put our Christmas tree.
My next step was to create a play space for Will. A struggle of having children that are four years apart is that Audrey's toys are completely unsafe for Will. She has so many things with small parts that he can't get into. So, I decided the safest place for him to play would be in the living room. I was completely inspired by my friend Liz's space for her little girl.
Here is Will's nook...
Rug on clearance at Target, mirrors from Ikea, wooden letter that I painted,
silhouette art that I DIYed here, and everything else I had on hand. |
The rest of Will's toys are contained in the living room in this large utility tote from Thirty One.
Once Will had a special place to play; it was only fair that I give Audrey a little space of her own, too. Her little nook is more for relaxing and reading.
I wanted the bench to double as a seat so I added a comfy pillow. I just picked up an inexpensive pillow cover from Hobby Lobby and covered a pillow that I already had. The white boxes hold Audrey's princess dolls that go with her castle (do you see it on the right?). The boxes needed to be up off the ground and out of Will's reach. |
The butterfly art is from Ikea and we DIYed the other two pieces. I gave Audrey a notebook for writing and drawing and she added her self-portrait to the cover. |
I picked up this little tray at Hobby Lobby. I will probably paint it one day but thought the natural wood was cute, too. The tray holds writing/coloring supplies, some sight word finders that I made out of paint samples, and a little decorative bird. |
That is what I have accomplished, so far! Oh, wait, I also hung this art piece that I gave Aaron for our anniversary. It is now at home in the playroom..
And, one more thing! My plan is to get a small Christmas tree and put it between our two couches after I move out a few things that are tucked away back there. Is that weird? It's the best plan that I have right now.
Thank you so much for stopping by today! So, how about you? Have you done any sprucing up, lately, just in time for the holidays?
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