I received a very nice surprise on Wednesday night as I was checking my blog for comments. My wonderful friend, Liz of My Life in Projects, nominated me and Inspired Adventures to receive the Liebster award. I feel soooooooooooooooo honored!

Liebster, in German, means endearing, valued, lovely, etc. This award is presented as a way to acknowledge up and coming bloggers and to help them be recognized for their outstanding accomplishments within design that is presented on their blog. It was so sweet of Liz to think of me and my blog as deserving of this award. Having a blog has been a wonderful way for me to engage in something that I absolutely love to do, which is write. It has also been a fun way for me to be more creative and to document the process of building our new home. Knowing that many of you enjoy reading my words is so encouraging and I appreciate all of you. So much, in fact, that I would love to know who you are. If you are a regular reader of Inspired Adventures, please take the time to follow my blog by clicking on the button in the right sidebar and/or subscribe to my posts. Thank you again for taking the time out of your day to care!
1. Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, and then create 11 new questions for the bloggers you pass the award to.
3. Choose 11 new bloggers (with less than 200 followers) to pass the award to and link them in your post.
4. Go back to their page and tell them about the award.
5. No tag backs.
1. I have a weird thing for trees. I think they are beautiful and amazing!
2. I would love to write full time but know that I would miss my students way too much (and I probably wouldn't be able to pay my bills).
3. I would prefer to just eat snacks and desserts all day long.
4. I used to be a clerk for the United States Postal Service. Working the front desk was quite an experience. "Would you like a book of stamps with that?"
5. My husband, Aaron, and I met in high school. We have been together for 13 years. Cuh-razy!
6. I played soccer my entire life but quit right before my senior year of high school. I miss it all of the time (and the legs I had when I played).
7. I have the very cool job of being an inservice leader and teacher for the Ohio Writing Project. It is so much fun sharing my love of writing with other amazing teachers.
8. I can be very insecure sometimes (and worry that people notice).
9. I am from a big, Polish, Catholic family and I love every minute of it!
10. I am always running behind. Being on time was my New Year's resolution. It is not going well!
11. I sometimes sing songs that I make up as I go (I'm usually channeling my inner-Taylor Swift). I have passed this trait onto my daughter. : )
1. What magazines, if any, do you subscribe to?
The only subscriptions that I've ever had were gifted to me and they were People, Fitness, and Parents. If I treat myself to a new magazine, I usually choose People, Real Simple, or Domino.
2. What made you decide to start a blog?
When I was on maternity leave, I felt like my brain was going to mush. I didn't know what to do with myself when my daughter was in school and my son was napping. I needed a "project" that was just for me and I that would motivate me to write.
3. When you aren't blogging, what's your favorite thing to do?
I love family dates with my husband and kids especially when we are exploring a new place.
4. What's your favorite room in your home?
Current house - my living room because it is where we spend all of our time.
New house - I have a feeling it is going to our be front porch. I can't wait to spend summer mornings out there with a cup of coffee and a good book.
5. Where is the one place you'd love to travel?
Italy for all of these reasons and more:
- To visit Reggio Emilia and learn more about their approach to early childhood education
- The wine and the food!
- Rome for the history
- The beaches
- Did I mention the wine and food?
6. What blog inspires you the most?
7. When you go shopping for yourself, what's the first thing you buy?
Shoes or jewelry!
8. What's your favorite t.v. show?
I like t.v. a lot so this is a hard question. One of my favorites of all time was Gilmore Girls (I can't believe I'm admitting this). When I was on maternity leave, I watched the whole series in its entirety. After that, I started blogging! : )
9. If/when you go to Target, what area of the store do you spend the most time?
I give equal time to all of my favorite sections. Let me, instead, give you a rundown of the route that I take. First stop is the dollar bins, then the clearance accessories, then women's clothing (sometimes I must detour to the fitting room), shoes, baby section, home decor and organization, clearance stationary, and if it is a weekend I usually hit up the food section for a bottle of wine and some snacks like their delish trail mix!
10. What is the best book you have read?
Recently, it was The Help. I love any book that can make me laugh out loud and cry the way that this one did. Another long time favorite (which may seem weird) is Because Of Winn Dixie. It might a children's book but I enjoyed reading it as much as any adult novel. Read it and you will see what I mean.
11. What is one food you could eat every day?
Ice cream! I have been known to skip dinner and just eat a big bowl of vanilla with peanut butter, bananas, and chocolate syrup. YUM! I justify this because I'm still getting calcium, protein, and potassium. So, there!
Here are the 11 blogs that I am nominating for The Liebster Award. I did my best to find inspiring blogs that are relatively new. They all have amazing things to share and are perfect candidates for the award. I hope that you take the time to check out each one of them.
1. When it comes to blogging, what have been your highs and lows?
2. What is the last book that you read? Would you recommend it?
3. What is your favorite time of the year and why?
4. How would you described your design style?
5. Do you have a color crush? That is, a color that seems to show up in all aspects of your life (home, clothes, etc. )
6. What are your views on reality TV? Love it or hate it?
7. Do you consider yourself a writer?
8. Are you a music person? What are you currently listening to?
9. What is your favorite and least favorite thing that you purchased for your home?
10. Where is your favorite place to shop?
11. What is your favorite meal?
If you made it this far, you probably know more about me than you ever cared to know. This has been a fun post to write and thank you again, Liz, for making it possible. Be sure to check out her blog, My Life in Projects, along with all the others that I nominated. Happy reading!
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