Tuesday, June 11, 2013

All Ready for Some Front Porch Sittin'

I am hardly ever an impulse buyer which is why furnishing our new place is going to take forever. I have to make sure that I've seen everything that is out there before making a purchase. I also wait for sales or just change my mind about what I want a thousand times. But then, every once in awhile I have a love at first sight moment. That's what happened to me at Target the other day. I wasn't even looking for outdoor furniture but I saw this super cute set and knew that it had to be mine!

It's from the Threshold collection (which I'm loving by the way) and it was on sale for $200 off the original price. I was sold. Of course, I had to consult with Aaron first but before long it was coming home with me. Sometimes with an impulse buy I end up regretting it later but that hasn't been the case. We are just so happy to have a nice place to sit on our new porch and enjoy the summer. The set came with the yellow cushions but I purchased the pillows and lantern for a little extra something.

I love how the footstool can be pulled out or tucked under the chair.

I think it ties in nicely with the mat that I found. If your remember this post when I talked about choosing our front door color, I knew I wanted to add some bright, happy colored accessories and I have definitely done that. I also plan to add some plants in the near feature and maybe work on a few DIY projects for this space.

If you are looking for me at any given time you might just find me out here with my favorite beverage. Oh summer, how I love you! I also love when an impulse buy works out. I hope that I have more moments like this where I find a piece that I just speaks to me right away. At the same time, I know that sometimes finding the perfect piece for your house takes time. I'm trying to be patient and know that if I don't rush into things it will be a home full of things that we love.
How about you guys? What's your approach when purchasing items for your home? Do you know what you want right away or do you have to take your time and mull it over a bit? Have you made any impulse buys lately that you're loving? I would love to hear all about.
In addition to sittin' on my new front porch, I've also been adding a few things to the playroom. I'll be back later this week to share the details!
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  1. There are 2 quotes I live by lately:
    "I don't follow decorating rules. I don't even know them. If I love something, then I'll find a place for it in my house. Life is too short to follow the rules." - Edie Wadsworth

    "Your home should tell the story of who you are, and be a collection of what you love brought together under one roof." -Nate Berkus

  2. Love it! Thanks for sharing these and thanks for reading my blog! : )


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