Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Chair


This week is all about our living room! We've made some good progress in here and I'm excited to share it with you. Is it done? Um, not quite. I'm okay with that, though, because I'm really starting to embrace the idea of slowly making a room our own. I've noticed that when I let ideas simmer for awhile, I usually end up changing my mind about things or coming to realizations that I probably wouldn't come to had I just thrown a room together in a day. One such realization had to do with our  new chair. Let me back up a second, though, and remind you of what our living room looked like the last time I showed it to you. Clearly, we were in need of some more seating.


Let me also show you the original mood board that inspired the look of this room.
 Living Room Take 2

So, originally, I was thinking navy blue for the chair. But after months of letting that idea simmer I had a change of heart. I still like navy blue and it would look good in the room but I was looking for something that could go the distance. Meaning, if I decide to completely redecorate down the road I don't want to have to decorate around a chair of a particular color. So, a neutral beige color was a must for me.

I began shopping around. I always tend to start with places that may be out of my price range just for inspiration. I found myself  drawn to Restoration Hardware's line of upholstered furniture especially their beige, traditional pieces with rustic, wooden legs. I am obsessed with the look of rustic wood right now. It ties in well with the whole industrial vibe that I'm trying to infuse throughout our home whenever I can. The regular price of this chair, though, is over $1000!

      Deconstructed French Napoleonic Chair

We couldn't deal with the price tag of the Restoration Hardware chair but I was on a mission to find something similar at a price that made sense to us. That was not an easy task. I looked just about everywhere online and numerous places in our area. That's when it happened...we walked into Homegoods and found the chair! It was everything I was looking for. Beige, rustic wood, and even the little wheely things on the legs. So fun, right!


Then, it was time for the fun part of dressing this bad boy up. I stole the ottoman from the master bathroom (because I have sat in that thing like maybe once to do my makeup) and added a pillow and throw, which I found at Marshalls. I'm not convinced that this pillow is the pillow because I feel like the color is competing with the ottoman but it was the perfect size at 20x20 inches and I couldn't resist the adorable bird. Being $12 on clearance didn't hurt either!

I'll be back later this week for more snippets of the living room and eventually a whole room view. I'm so excited to have found another high/low treasure with this chair. You can see more of my high/low finds here and here! Have you found any of your own lately? I am always on the lookout for a good bargain with a lot of style! Pin It

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