Sunday, July 15, 2012

Diapering in Style

Is it just me or does it seem like everybody is having a baby these days? In my family alone, on my mom's side, there are currently six of us who have new babies or are prego right now. Don't even get me started on how many friends and co-workers have been blessed with a new bundle of joy lately. So, in keeping with the trend I decided that my next sewing project would be baby-related.

I stumbled upon this tutorial for a diaper clutch from Cluck, Cluck, Sew while browsing one of my new favorite websites and blog, Fabric Envy. I loved that it was an all-in-one changing pad, diaper and wipe holder. I immediately knew that I had to have one. I figured I could make a couple for gifts, as well.

I hit the fabric store and about two hours later came out with the following materials per clutch:

1. 1/2 yard cotton exterior fabric
2. 1/2 yard laminated cotton interior fabric
3. 1/2 yard of Pellon cotton batting
4. Matching thread
5. Large cover button
6. Velcro

I loved the bird print but figured my hubby wouldn't have it if I tried to use it with our son. So, I'm using the animal print for the boys. It was the only boy-appropriate material I could find but it is pretty darn cute.

This was a fairly easy project and for a sewing newbie like myself took about an hour per clutch.

I first cut all of my fabric into 13" by 35" rectangles. They were quite wrinkly so I pressed it all first. To press the laminate make sure you use a cool setting and only place the iron on the fabric side.

Then, I pinned the batting to the laminate and sewed it together with about a 1/2" seam allowance.

Next, I pinned the wrong side of the exterior fabric to the wrong side of the laminate.

I sewed it with a 1/2" seam allowance leaving about 5" open.

I trimmed the corners and then turned it inside out.

After that, I pinned the opening closed and top-stitched it with a 1/4" seam allowance.

I then pulled the bottom of the changing pad up about 7" and pinned it on both sides.

I top-stitched all the way around except for the bottom of the pad.

The next step was to pin and sew in the Velcro. I put wipes and diapers in to make sure I got the right placement.

I made a few covered buttons and hand-sewed them on the front for a little added detail.

That's it! They turned out great and were so simple.

 I love how it helps to declutter my diaper bag.



And...I hope my cousins enjoy using them with their new babies!

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