Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Covered Button Earrings

This is the second DIY accessory that I am attempting this week. If you have ever wondered what to do with those leftover scraps of fabric, this post is for you. I was inspired to make these when I saw them for sale at a local coffee shop. They were so adorable and I was very tempted to buy. However, I decided to wait and see if I could make them myself. Thanks to Fabric Envy and this awesome video tutorial, I knew exactly what to do. Let's begin with a list of materials:

1. Cover buttons with tool (I found mine at Hobby Lobby. They come in different sizes.)
2. E6000 craft glue
3. Pliers
4. Earring posts
5. Fabric scraps
6. Scissors

You may recognize the fabric from my floor cushion post. First, I took the hook out of the button back with pliers.

Next, I chose a small portion of the fabric to use and placed the button top over it. I placed it in the mold fabric side down.

Then, I trimmed the fabric around the mold with scissors and pushed the fabric into the mold.

I put the back of the button on top if the fabric and used the tool to secure it.

Now, all that was left to do was remove the button and attach the earring to the back with glue. And there you have it!

Here are the two sets that I made.

I like these earrings because they are an easy way to add a little interest to any outfit. Another very inexpensive way to look fab!

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1 comment:

  1. I've been wanting to make these for a while-I saw them on another blog-so cute!!!


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